
研究人員|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所

側邊選單開關 研究人員


  • 黃婉媜Wan-Chen Huang
    研究副技師Associate Research Scientist
    • 專長:Single-molecule biophysics, Neuropharmacology, Signal transduction
    • 信箱:wchuang1@gate.sinica.edu.tw
    • 電話:02-2787-1536
    • 網站: 單分子生物核心實驗室
    • 位置:R526/ICOB
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Institute of Medical Device and Imaging, National Taiwan University
Assistant Research Scientist of ICOB, Academia Sinica
Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Fellow
Postdoctoral Fellow, Graduate Institute of Pharmacology, National Cheng-Kung University College of Medicine
Ph.D. Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, UK
  1. Wang YS, Huang NK, Lin YC, Chang WC*, Huang WC*. (2022). Aspirin and Sulindac act via different mechanisms to inhibit store-operated calcium channel: Implications for colorectal cancer metastasis. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 145:112476. 
  2. Hsieh HW, Chen SC, Huang WC, Fang S, Yang EC, Hsu CC, Kou R. (2021). Social interactions upregulate hemolymph tryptophan and tyrosine levels in the male lobster cockroach. Hormones and Behavior, 130:104935. 
  3. Irham LM, Wong HS, Chou WH, Adikusuma W, Mugiyanto E, Huang WC*, Chang WC. (2020). Integration of genetic variants and gene network for drug repurposing in colorectal cancer. Pharmacological Research, 161:105203. 
  4. Lee YC, Huang WC, Lin JH, Kao TJ, Lin HC, Lee KH, Lin HC, Shen CJ, Chang WC, Huang CC. (2018). Znf179 E3 ligase-mediated TDP-43 polyubiquitination is involved in TDP-43- ubiquitinated inclusions (UBI) (+)-related neurodegenerative pathology. Journal of Biomedical Science, 25(1):76. 
  5. Huang WC*, Lee CY, Hsieh TS. (2017). Single-molecule FRET analysis discloses the dynamics of the DNA-topoisomerase II (TOP2) interaction in the presence of TOP2-targeting agents. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292(30),12589-12598.  
  6. Wei WC, Huang WC, Lin YP, Becker EBE, Ansorge O, Flockerzi V, Conti D, Cenacchi G, Glitsch MD. (2017). Functional expression of calcium-permeable canonical transient receptor potential 4-containing channels promotes migration of medulloblastoma cells. The Journal of Physiology, 595(16):5525-5544. 
  7. Liao YH, Chiang KH, Shieh JM, Huang CR, Shen CJ, Huang WC* and Chen BK*. (2017). Epidermal growth factor-induced ANGPTL4 enhances anoikis resistance and tumour metastasis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Oncogene, 36(16), 2228-2242. 
  8. Lin YS, Huang WC, Chen MS, Hsieh TS. (2014). Toward Discovering New Anti-Cancer Agents Targeting Topoisomerase IIα: A Facile Screening Strategy Adaptable to High Throughput Platform. PLoS One, 9(5): e97008. 
  9. Huang WC, Chen ST, Chang WC, Chang KY, Chang WC, Chen BK (2010). Involvement of aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator in EGF-induced c-Jun/Sp1-mediated gene expression. Cellular and Molecular Life Science, 67(20):3523-3533. 
  10. Huang WC, Swietach P, Vaughan-Jones RD, Ansorge O, Glitsch MD (2008). Extracellular acidification elicits spatially and temporally distinct Ca2+ signals. Current Biology, 18:781-785.