
研究人員|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所

側邊選單開關 研究人員


  • 呂在明Tsai-Ming Lu
    研究助技師Assistant Research Scientist
    • 專長:Comparative Genomics & Transcriptomics, Phylogenomics, NGS data analysis
    • 信箱:tmlu@gate.sinica.edu.tw
    • 電話:02-2789-9532
    • 位置:R518/ICOB
Experimental design consulting Custom-built analysis pipeline
Differential expression analysis
Gene family evolution analysis
Comparative genomic analysis
Phylogenetic analysis

生物資訊核心實驗室致力於推廣新世代定序技術 (NGS) 的應用,將其整合至細生所的各研究主題中。

本實驗室負責管理高效能運算伺服器,並支援 NGS 資料分析,例如 RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, de novo genome assembly.


  1. NGS 實驗設計諮詢
  2. NGS 資料分析
  3. 客製化分析流程
  4. 公用軟體維護更新、新分析軟體測試
  5. 教育訓練 (伺服器使用、基礎生物資訊)


生物資訊核心實驗室目前有參與異無腔動物 (Xenacoelomorpha) 基因體計畫。異無腔動物在演化樹上的位置至今仍有爭議,我們希望能透過全基因體定序,來為異無腔動物的演化位階提供更多證據。

近期我們也將以二胚蟲 (dicyemid)為實驗材料,利用單細胞定序技術來發展 “細胞演化學” 的研究。雖然我們對二胚蟲胚胎發育的細胞分裂譜系已有所了解,但對其細胞分類、生理功能仍不清楚。初步將利用特異化基因表現來定義二胚蟲的細胞類群,並解析各細胞類群在分化過程中的基因表現調控。將來再與其他動物群比較,進而瞭解特定細胞類群及分化機制的演化。


  1. 細胞分化調控機制及演化
  2. 基因家族演化與環境適應
  3. 動物分子親緣關係


  • 異無腔動物(Xenacoelomorpha)比較基因體研究


  • 二胚蟲(dicyemid)細胞之分化
姓名 職稱 電話 Email 備註
呂在明 研究助技師 02-2789-9532 tmlu@gate.sinica.edu.tw
翁杰愔 研究助理 02-2787-1523 yweng6434@gmail.com
  1. Liao IJY*, Lu TM*, Chen ME and Luo YJ. (2023) Spiralian genomics and the evolution of animal genome architecture. Briefings in Functional Genomics 2023; elad029.
  2. Orús-Alcalde A, Lu TM, Børve A and Hejnol A. (2021) The evolution of the metazoan Toll receptor family and its expression during protostome development. BMC Ecology and Evolution 21:208.

  3. Yong LW, Lu TM, Tung CH, Chiou RJ, Li KL and Yu JK. (2021) Somite Compartments in amphioxus and its implications on the evolution of the vertebrate skeletal tissues. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 9:607057.
  4. Lu TM✉️, Furuya H, Satoh N. (2019) Gene expression profiles of dicyemid life-cycle stages may explain how dispersing larvae locate new hosts. Zoological Letters 5:32.

  5. Lu TM✉️, Kanda M, Furuya H, Satoh N. (2019) Dicyemid mesozoans: a unique parasitic lifestyle with reduced genome. Genome Biology and Evolution 11: 2232-2243.

  6. Nakashima K, Kimura S, Ogawa Y, Watanabe S, Soma S, Kaneko T, Yamada L, Sawada H, Tung CH, Lu TM, Yu JK, Villar-Briones A, Kikuchi S, Satoh N. (2018) Chitin-based barrier immunity and its loss predated mucus-colonization by indigenous gut microbiota. Nature Communications 9: 3402.

  7. Guzman C, Shinzato C, Lu TM, Conaco C. (2018) Transcriptome analysis of the reef-building octocoral, Heliopora coerulea. Scientific Reports 8: 8397. 

  8. Hu H, Uesaka M, Guo S, Shimai K, Lu TM, Li F, Fujimoto S, Ishikawa M, Liu S, Sasagawa Y, Zhang G, Kuratani S, Yu JK, Kusakabe TG, Khaitovich P, Irie N, EXPANDE Consortium. (2017) Constrained vertebrate evolution by pleiotropic genes. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1: 1722-1730.

  9. Lu TM✉️, Kanda M, Satoh N, Furuya H. (2017) The phylogenetic position of dicyemid mesozoans offers insights into spiralian evolution. Zoological Letters 3:6.

  10. Kim JH, Lu TM. (2016) Bio-inspired Janus composite nanoscrolls for on-demand tumor targeting. RSC Advances 6: 17179-17187. 

  11. Soukup V, Yong LW, Lu TM, Huang SW, Kozmik Z, Yu JK. (2015) The Nodal signaling pathway controls left-right asymmetric development in amphioxus. EvoDevo 6:5. 

  12. Li KL, Lu TM, Yu JK. (2014) Genome-wide survey and expression analysis of the bHLH-PAS genes in the amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae reveal both conserved and diverged expression patterns between cephalochordates and vertebrates. EvoDevo 5:20. 

  13. Lu TM, Luo YJ, Yu JK. (2012) BMP and Delta/Notch signaling control the development of amphioxus epidermal sensory neurons: insights into the evolution of the peripheral sensory system. Development 139: 2020-2030.