
研究人員|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所

側邊選單開關 研究人員


  • 游宏祥Hung-Hsiang Yu 游宏祥老師 Research ID 游宏祥老師 ORCID
    副研究員Associate Research Fellow
Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
Research Specialist, Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Neurobiology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Basic Sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, USA.
Ph.D., Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA.

動物利用散佈在周遭環境的味道來尋找食物,躲避敵人和挑選伴侶。因此發育過程中,建構正確的嗅覺神經網路,對動物的生存極其重要。在果蠅嗅覺神經網路內,同類的嗅覺感覺神經元(olfactory sensory neuron/OSNs)偵測到嗅覺分子後,將訊號經傳入大腦嗅葉(antennal lobe/AL)上的單一嗅球(glomerulus),再由嗅覺投射神經元(projection neuron/PNs)傳到大腦的蘑菇體(mushroom body)及側角組織(lateral horn)(圖一)。我們實驗室研究嗅覺投射神經元及蘑菇體神經元在發育過程中,是如何建構嗅覺神經網路。我們發現,穿膜蛋白Semaphorin-1a (Sema-1a)對建構果蠅成蟲具有功能的嗅覺神經網路,有著不可或缺的角色(圖二)。我們將進一步研究與Sema-1a相關的細胞及分子機制,是如何來調控此精確的嗅覺圖譜的建構。另外,我們也將研究在細胞及分子層次上,蘑菇體神經元的命運特化及大範圍的軸突修剪是如何被正確調控,以建構果蠅成蟲大腦中具有功能性的嗅覺神經網路,此對動物的生存亦扮演著至關重要的角色(圖三)。

  1. Lai, Y.W., Miyares, R.L., Liu, L.Y., Chu, S.Y., Lee, T. and Yu, H.H. (2022). Hormone-controlled changes in the differentiation state of post-mitotic neurons. Current Biology 32, 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.04.027.
  2. Wei, J.Y., Chu, S.Y., Hung, Y.C., Chung, P.C. and Yu, H.H. (2022). Drosophila septin interacting protein 1 regulates neurogenesis in the early developing larval brain. Scientific Reports, 12 (1): 292. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-04474-3.
  3. Lin, T.Y., Chen, J.P., Yu, H.H., Hsu C.P. and Lee, C.H. (2021). Extrinsic factors regulating dendritic patterning. Front. Cell. Neuroscience, 14, 622808. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2020.622808
  4. Garcia-Marques, J., Espinosa-Medina, I., Ku, K.Y., Yang, C.P., Koyama, M., Yu, H.H. and Lee, T. (2020).  A programmable sequence of reporters for lineage analysis. Nature Neuroscience, 23: 1618-1628. doi: 10.1038/s41593-020-0676-9.
  5. Lai, Y.W., Chu, S.Y., Li, J.C., Chen, P.L., Chen, C.H. and Yu, H.H. (2020).  Visualization of Endogenous Type I TGF-β Receptor Baboon in the Drosophila Brain. Scientific Reports 10 (1): 5153. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-61950-y.
  6. Hsu, T.C., Ku, K.Y., Shen, H.C. and Yu, H.H. (2020). Overview of MARCM-related technologies in Drosophila neurobiological research. Current Protocols in Neuroscience, 91, e90. doi: 10.1002/cpns.90.
  7. Wei, J.Y., Chung, P.C., Chu, S.Y., and Yu, H.H. (2019). FOXO Regulates Cell Fate Specification of Drosophila Ventral Olfactory Projection Neurons. Journal of Neurogenetics, 33(1): 33-40.  doi: 10.1080/01677063.2018.1556651.
  8. Shen, H.C., Chu, S.Y., Hsu, T.C., Wang, C.H., Lin, I.Y. and Yu, H.H. (2017). Semaphorin-1a Prevents Drosophila Olfactory Projection Neuron Dendrites from Mis-targeting into Select Antennal Lobe Regions. PLOS Genetics 13(4): e1006751. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006751. 
  9. Lai, Y.W., Chu, S.Y., Wei, J.Y., Cheng, C.Y., Li, J.C., Chen, P.L., Chen, C.H. and Yu, H.H. (2016). Drosophila microRNA-34 Impairs Axon Pruning of Mushroom Body γ Neurons by Downregulating the Expression of Ecdysone Receptor. Scientific Reports 6: 39141. doi: 10.1038/srep39141.
  10. Shen, H.C., Wei, J.Y., Chu, S.Y., Chung, P.C., Hsu, T.C. and Yu, H.H. (2016). Morphogenetic Studies of the Drosophila DA1 Ventral Olfactory Projection Neuron. PLOS One 11 (5): e0155384. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0155384.