
研究人員|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所

側邊選單開關 研究人員


  • 史耐德Stephan Q. Schneider
    助研究員Assistant Research Fellow
    • 專長:Evolutionary Cell & Developmental Biology, Molecular Evolution & Animal Phylogenetics Comparative Genomics
    • 信箱:sqschneider@gate.sinica.edu.tw
    • 電話:02-2789-9512
    • 網站: Dr. Stephan Schneider's Lab
    • 位置:R145/ICOB
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics, Development & Cell Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA
Senior Research Associate, Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA
Junior Researcher, Institute of Molecular Biology in Eugene, Oregon and Kewalo Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Scientific Assistant, Max Planck-Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen, Germany
Ph.D., Department of Cell Biology, Max Planck-Institute for Developmental Biology & Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany
Diploma in Biology, Zoological Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany

螺旋動物是動物界中最大的群體之一,但它大部分的生物學,尤其是分子層面上仍舊未知。我實驗室的研究工作包括螺旋動物發育和細胞分化的基本過程。這些包括整個生命週期中的各種事件,例如母體向合子的轉變和基因調控網絡 (GRN) 的調控用以決定胚胎和幼蟲中的細胞命運和細胞類型。我們專注於不對稱細胞分裂和纖毛發生等核心細胞機制,並利用比較基因組和分子遺傳學分析來深入了解發育和形態特徵的演化和功能。

  1. 信號通路和基因調控網絡。我們目前的工作集中在 Wnt/beta-catenin 和 BMP 途徑,以及它們與細胞譜系和細胞命運的聯繫。為了了解這些途徑如何影響早期 GRN,我們利用胚胎擾動來研究階段特異性和單細胞轉錄組學的全基因組反應。
  2. 纖毛發生和纖毛細胞類型。螺旋動物是運動纖毛多樣性的擁護者。為了利用這種多樣性,我們在更廣泛的螺旋動物種類中鑑定了纖毛運作的分子組成,纖毛。作為補充,我們將我們的實驗室模式海洋環節動物 Platynereis dumerilii 用於了解纖毛細胞類型的發育和分化。
  3.  在過去十年中,Platynereis dumerilii 成為最先進的螺旋動物模型,能夠對螺旋動物生物學的獨特方面進行分子解剖,如不對稱細胞分裂和基於纖毛的幼蟲運動。作為國際 Platynereis 研究社群的一部分,我們開發了各種資源和技術,例如 PdumBase,這是一種研究整個生命週期中基因表達的研究工具。
  1. Özpolat, B.D., Randel, N., Williams, E.A., Bezares-Calderón, L.A., Andreatta, G., Balavoine, G., Ferrier, D.E.K., Gambi, M.C.., Gazave, E., Handberg-Thorsager, M., Hardege, J., Hird, C., Hsieh, Y-W., Mutemi, K.N., Schneider, S.Q., Simakov, O., Vervoort, M., Jékely G., Tessmar-Raible, K., Raible, F., Arendt, D. (2021) The nereid on the rise: Platynereis as a model system. EvoDevo (1):10, 1-22.
  2. Wu, L., Hiebert, L.S., Klann, M., Passamaneck, Y., Bastin, B.R., Schneider, S.Q., Martindale, M.Q., Seaver, E.C., Maslakova, S.A., and Lambert, J.D. (2020) Genes with spiralian-specific protein motifs are expressed in spiralian ciliary bands. Nature Communications, 11:4171, 1-11. 
  3. Bastin, B.R. , and Schneider, S.Q. (2019) Taxon-specific expansion and loss of tektins inform metazoan ciliary diversity. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 19(1):40. 1-25. doi: 10.1186/s12862-019-1360-0
  4. Chou, H.-C. , Acevedo-Luna, N. , Kuhlman, J.A., and Schneider, S.Q. (2018) PdumBase: A transcriptome database and research tool for Platynereis dumerilii and early development of other metazoans. BMC Genomics, 19(1):618. 
  5. Nakama, A., Chou, H.-C., and Schneider, S.Q. (2017) The asymmetric cell division machinery in the spiral-cleaving egg and embryo of the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii. BMC Developmental Biology, 17:16. 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12861-017-0158-9 (BMC series blog: top three articles of 2017) 
  6. Roy, S., Natakunda, K., Chou, H.-C., Pal, N., Farris, C., Schneider, S.Q., and Kuhlman, J.A. (2017) Defining the transcriptomic landscape of the developing enteric nervous system and its cellular environment. BMC Genomics, 18(1): 290.1-24.
  7. Chou, H.-C., Pruitt, M.M., Bastin, B.R., and Schneider, S.Q. (2016) A transcriptional blueprint for a spiral-cleaving embryo. BMC Genomics, 17:552.1-25. doi:10.1186/s12864-016-2860-6 [reviewed in Blum & Ott (2018) Current Biology, 28] 
  8. Bastin, B.R., Chou, H.-C., Pruitt, M.M., and Schneider, S.Q. (2015) Structure, phylogeny and expression of the Frizzled related gene family in the lophotrochozoan annelid Platynereis dumerilii. EvoDevo. 6, 37, 1-24. 
  9. Pruitt, M.M., Letcher, E.J., Chou, H.-C., Bastin, B.R., and Schneider, S.Q. (2014) Temporal and spatial expression of the wnt gene complement in a spiral-cleaving embryo and trochophore larva. Special Issue ‘Spiralian Model Systems’. Int J Dev Biol. 58(6-7-8): 563-573. 
  10. Schneider, S.Q. and Bowerman, B.A. (2013) Animal development: An ancient beta-catenin switch? Current Biology, 23, R313-5.