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Framework|Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica

About ICOB
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ICOB Framework(Detailed description such as content)

The ICOB Director is assisted in academic and administrative duties by two Deputy Directors and one Marine Research Station Chief. A number of committees have been formed to handle and evaluate institutional issues. These include the Personnel Academic Budget Evaluation Committee, Equipment Management Committee, Information Technology Management Committee, Space Management Committee, Biosafety Management Committee, Animal Facility Management Committee, and Marine Research Station Management Committee. At bimonthly faculty meetings, major institutional issues are discussed and decisions are made by vote. The ICOB has a highly competent body of support staff working in the Core Facilities, Animal Facilities, Administrative Office, General Affairs Office, and Information Technology Department to assist daily business operations. In addition, the Academic Advisory Committee provides consultation and advice on various academic research policies, plans, and cooperation with academic institutions at home and abroad.