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Ling-Huei Yih's Lab|Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica

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Ling-Huei Yih's Lab

  • Ling-Huei Yih Professor Ling-Huei Yih ORCID
    Associate Research Fellow
    • SpecialtyCell Biology, Genetic Toxicology
    • E-maillhyih@gate.sinica.edu.tw
    • Tel02-2789-9510
    • LabR235/ICOB
Lab IntroductionOpenClose

The mitosis-mediated cell death is a type of cell death occurs during or after aberrant mitosis and is now recognized as an important mechanism underlying the therapeutic effects of several anticancer drugs that target at DNA, chromosome, and/or the chromosome segregation machineries. On the other hand, chromosome instability, the hallmark of cancers, may develop in cells surviving mitotic errors. Therefore, by understanding how the mitosis-mediated cell death is regulated, we may help prevent or treat diseases that result from induction of aberrant mitosis and/or genetic instability such as cancers. The compounds that can damage DNA and/or microtubule are used to investigate how aberrant mitosis is induced and how aberrant mitosis triggers the initiation of mitotic cell death in a cell-based context. We focused on the signaling pathway linking induction of DNA damage, mitotic abnormalities, and mitosis-mediated apoptosis. The focuses of this laboratory are (1) to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms of how mitotic catastrophe is triggered; (2) to investigate the role of phosphatidylinositol on regulation of microtubule dynamic during mitosis (Figure 1); and (3) to identify novel chemical compounds that induce mitotic catastrophe (Figure 2).

Induction of microtubule minus-end instability during mitosis

Induction of mitotic catastrophe

Lab MemberOpenClose
Name Job Title Telephone Email Remark
Ling-Huei Yih Associate Research Fellow 02-2789-9510 lhyih@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Yi-Chen Wu and Ling-Huei Yih*. 2008. Requirement of a functional spindle checkpoint for arsenite-induced apoptosis. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 105:678–687.
Yi-Chen Wu, Wen-Yen Yen, Te-Chang Lee, and Ling-Huei Yih*. 2009. Heat shock protein inhibitors, 17-DMAG and KNK437, enhance arsenic trioxide-induced mitotic apoptosis. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 236: 231–238.
Yi-Chen Wu, Wen-Yen Yen, Hsiao-Yung Ho, Tsann-Long Su, and Ling-Huei Yih*. 2010. Glyfoline induces mitotic catastrophe and apoptosis in cancer cells. International Journal of Cancer. 126(4):1017-28.
R Kakadiya, Yi-Chen Wu, H Dong, Hsiao-Hui Kuo, Ling-Huei Yih*, TC Chou, Tsann-Long Su*. Novel 2-substituted quinolin-4-yl-benzenesulfonate derivatives: synthesis, antipoliferative activity, and inhibition of cellular tubulin polymerization. ChemMedChem. 6(6):1119-29. 2011 (co-corresponding)
Ling-Huei Yih*, Yi-Chen Wu, Nai-Chi Hsu, and Hsiao-Hui Kuo. Arsenic Trioxide Induces Abnormal Mitotic Spindles through a PIP4KIIγ/Rho Pathway. Toxicological Sciences. 128(1):115-25. 2012.
Ling-Huei Yih*, Nai-Chi Hsu, Hsiao-Hui Kuo, and Yi-Chen Wu. Inhibition of the Heat Shock Response by PI103 Enhances the Cytotoxicity of Arsenic Trioxide. Toxicological Sciences. 128(1):126-36. 2012.
Bo-Jeng Wang, Yung-Feng Liao, Ying-Tsen Tung, Ling-Huei Yih, Cho-Chun Hu and Hsinyu Lee. Establishment of a bioluminescence-based bioassay for the detection of dioxin-like compounds. Toxicol Mech Methods. 2013 Jan 15 [Epub ahead of print].
Ling-Huei Yih*, Nai-Chi Hsu, Yi-Chen Wu, Wen-Yen Yen, and Hsiao-Hui Kuo. Inhibition of AKT enhances mitotic cell apoptosis induced by arsenic trioxide. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 267(3):228-237. 2013.