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Shen-Ju Chou|Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica

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  • Shen-Ju Chou Professor Shen-Ju Chou ORCID
    Research Fellow
Professional ExperienceOpenClose
Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory, Salk Institute, USA
PhD. Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, USA.
Research InterestOpenClose

The research of my laboratory concerns how cerebral cortex is patterned into distinct functional domains, each has unique cytoarchitectures, patterns of gene expression, and distinct sets of input and output projections to perform specific functions. Using mouse genetics, we study the molecular mechanisms regulating cortical neuronal specification. We have developed a series of animal models to knock-down or overexpress patterning transcription factors to investigate how the number of neurons produced in different cortical regions are controlled, how cortical neurons acquire their region-specific properties, and how the cortical neurons are integrated into functional neuronal circuits. Further, during the progression of neurodegenerative diseases cortical areas are affected in a stereotypic sequence that inversely recapitulates ontogenetic brain development. This suggests that cortical patterning affects the progression or initiation of neurodegenerative diseases. Thus, by identifying regional patterning mechanism, and characterizing region-specific neuronal properties and functions, we will provide a foundation for understanding brain function and cortical dysfunction in disease states, and potentially offer means to repair specific parts of the diseased brains. 

Selected PublicationOpenClose
  1. Feng J, Hsu WH, Patterson D, Tseng CS, Hsin HW, Zhuang ZH, Huang YT, Faedo A, Rubenstein JL, Touboul J and Chou SJ (2021) COUP-TFI specifies the medial entorhinal cortex identity and induces differential cell adhesion to determine the integrity of its boundary with neocortex. Science Advances. (in press)
  2. Shabangu T, Chen HL, Zhuang ZH, Pierani A, Chen CF, and Chou SJ* (2021) Specific contribution of neurons from the Dbx1 lineage to the piriform cortex. Scientific Reports. 11:8349.
  3. Chiang SY, Wu HC, Lin SY, Chen HY, Wang CF, Yeh NH, Shih JH, Huang YS, Kuo HC, Chou SJ*, and Chen RH* (2021) Usp11 controls cortical neurogenesis and neuronal migration through Sox11 stabilization. Science Advances. 7:eabc6093. (*, co-corresponding authors)
  4. Hsing HW, Zhuang ZH, Niou ZX, Chou SJ. (2020) Temporal differences in interneuron invasion of neocortex and piriform cortex during mouse cortical development. Cerebral Cortex 30(5):3015-3029.
  5. Wang CF, Hsing HW, Zhuang ZH, Wen MH, Chang WJ, Briz CG, Nieto M, Shyu BC, Chou SJ. (2017) Lhx2 expression in postmitotic cortical neurons initiates assembly of the thalamocortical somatosensory circuit. Cell Rep. 18(4):849-856.
  6. Chou SJ, Wang C, Sintupisut N, Niou ZX, Lin CH, Li KC, Yeang CH. (2016) Analysis of spatial-temporal gene expression patterns reveals dynamics and regionalization in developing mouse brain. Sci Rep. 6:19274.
  7. Hsu CL, Nam S, Cui Y, Chang CP, Wang CF, Kuo HC, Touboul J and Chou SJ. (2015) Lhx2 regulates the timing of beta-catenin-depedent cortical neurogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112(39):12199-204
  8. Chou SJ*, Babot Z*, Leingartner A, Studer M, Nakagawa Y and O’Leary DDM. (2013) Geniculocortical input drives genetic distinctions between primary and higher-order visual areas. Science. 340:1239-42. (*: equal contribution)
  9. Chou SJ, Peres-Garcia CG, Kroll TT and O’Leary DDM. (2009) Lhx2 specifies regional fate in Emx1 lineage of telencephalic progenitors generating cerebral cortex. Nature Neuroscience. 12:1381-1389.
  10. Armentano M*, Chou SJ*, Tomassy GS, Leingärtner A, O’Leary DDM and Studer M. (2007) COUP-TF1 regulates the balance of cortical patterning between frontal/motor and sensory areas. Nature Neuroscience. 10:1277‑1286 (cover article, *: equal contribution)