
研究人員|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所

側邊選單開關 研究人員

Konstantin Khalturin's Lab

  • Konstantin Khalturin Konstantin Khalturin老師 ORCID
    Associate Research Fellow
    • 專長:Comparative genomics, Developmental biology, Stem cells in basal metazoa, Transgenic Hydra
    • 信箱:khalturin@gate.sinica.edu.tw
    • 電話:02-2789-9565
    • 位置: R426 /ICOB, MRS
姓名 職稱 電話 Email 備註
Konstantin Khalturin Associate Research Fellow 02-2789-9565 khalturin@gate.sinica.edu.tw
  1. Khalturin K., Shunatova N., Shchenkov S., Sasakura Y, Kawamitsu M., Satoh N. (2022) Polyzoa is back: the effect of complete gene sets on the placement of Ectoprocta and Entoprocta. Science Advances, 8(26). doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abo4400
  2. Shinzato C, Khalturin K, Inoue J, Zayasu Y, Kanda M, Kawamitsu M, Yoshioka Y, Yamashita H, Suzuki G, Satoh N. (2021) Eighteen Coral Genomes Reveal the Evolutionary Origin of Acropora Strategies to Accommodate Environmental Changes. Mol Biol Evol.; 38(1):16-30. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msaa216.
  3. Hamada M, Satoh N, Khalturin K. (2020) A Reference Genome from the Symbiotic Hydrozoan, Hydra viridissima. G3 (Bethesda).;10(11):3883-3895. doi: 10.1534/g3.120.401411.
  4. Khalturin K, Shinzato C, Khalturina M, Hamada M, Fujie M, Koyanagi R, Kanda M, Goto H, Anton-Erxleben F, Toyokawa M, Toshino S, Satoh N. (2019) Medusozoan genomes inform the evolution of the jellyfish body plan. Nat Ecol Evol. 3(5):811-822. doi: 10.1038/s41559-019-0853-y.
  5. Fuchs B, Wang W, Graspeuntner S, Li Y, Insua S, Herbst EM, Dirksen P, Böhm AM, Hemmrich G, Sommer F, Domazet-Lošo T, Klostermeier UC, Anton-Erxleben F, Rosenstiel P, Bosch TC, Khalturin K. (2014) Regulation of polyp-to-jellyfish transition in Aurelia aurita. Curr Biol. 24(3):263-73.
  6. Boehm AM*, Khalturin K*, Anton-Erxleben F, Hemmrich G, Klostermeier UC, Lopez-Quintero JA, Oberg HH, Puchert M, Rosenstiel P, Wittlieb J, Bosch TC. (2012) FoxO is a critical regulator of stem cell maintenance in immortal Hydra. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 109(48):19697-702. (* - equally contributed to the paper)
  7. Hemmrich G, Khalturin K, Boehm AM, Puchert M, Anton-Erxleben F, Wittlieb J, Klostermeier UC, Rosenstiel P, Oberg HH, Domazet-Loso T, Sugimoto T, Niwa H, Bosch TC. (2012) Molecular signatures of the three stem cell lineages in Hydra and the emergence of stem cell function at the base of multicellularity. Mol Biol Evol. 29(11):3267-80.
  8. Khalturin K, Hemmrich G, Fraune S, Augustin R, Bosch TC. (2009) More than just orphans: are taxonomically-restricted genes important in evolution? Trends Genet. 25(9):404-13.
  9. Khalturin K, Anton-Erxleben F, Sassmann S, Wittlieb J, Hemmrich G, Bosch TC. (2008) A novel gene family controls species-specific morphological traits in Hydra. PLoS Biology, 6(11):e278
  10. Wittlieb J, Khalturin K, Lohmann JU, Anton-Erxleben F, Bosch TC. (2006) Transgenic Hydra allow in vivo tracking of individual stem cells during morphogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA., 103(16):6208-11.