
研究人員|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所

側邊選單開關 研究人員

Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology

  • 廖永豐Yung-Feng Liao
    研究員Research Fellow
    • 專長:Neurologic Diseases, Neural Development
    • 信箱:yliao@sinica.edu.tw
    • 電話:02-2789-9535
    • 位置:R240/ICOB
探討γ-secretase酵素活性的調控與老年痴呆症Alzheimer’s Disease致病機制之相關性

Alzheimer's Disease (AD)又稱之為老年痴呆症或阿茲海默氏症,病徵上可見腦細胞外有明顯的 amyloid-β(Aβ) plagues結聚。Aβ為Amyloid precursor protein (APP) 經β-secretase 和γ-secretase 作用形成(Figure 1)。因此,如何調控β-secretase 和γ-secretase是目前治療AD的重要研究方向之一。γ-secretase已有諸多生化特性報告,但在體內如何調控仍不清楚。為了解 γ-secretase 在正常細胞與病人細胞內是否受到不同訊息之調控,我們建立了可定量分析細胞內γ-secretase酵素活性的細胞株 ,有利於我們研究γ-secretase在免疫反應所誘導老年痴呆症疾病發生之致病機制中所扮演的角色。最近我們的研究發現有三種免疫生長因子(TNF-a, IL-1b, 及IFN-g),可經由活化細胞內JNK的細胞訊息傳導路徑來促進 g-secretase的活性並增加Ab的產量。另外,如EGF則可經由活化細胞內ERK的訊息傳導機制達到抑制g-secretase的活性並減低Ab的產量 (Figure 2) 。未來將會逐一分析其他免疫生長因子是否也具有調控γ-secretase的能力,以找尋治療AD的新方向,並期望能應用於臨床研究。

我們也同時與合作實驗室以藥物化學的方式進行新藥合成,然後再利用我們所建立之細胞株分析法有系統地判定這些新合成的化合物對於γ-secretase活性的效用。目前,我們已找到數種具有抑制γ-secretase活性的新穎化合物結構具有成為治療阿茲海默症的先導藥物的潛力。其中一類包含有不必需氨基酸結構的新穎化合物甚至具有比已知γ-secretase抑制劑更穩定的特性。這些成果將有助於AD新藥的發展,並可將這新式技術平台,應用於篩檢其他神經退化性疾病的藥物(Figure 3)。


本實驗室的另一研究主題,為探討胚胎幹細胞如何發育成為神經幹細胞及其他神經組織,並著重於Notch蛋白的分子訊息會如何影響早期胚胎神經系統之發育。Notch被認為在細胞分化中扮演重要角色,而當Notch分子訊息被活化時可維持神經幹細胞繼續分裂。相對地,當Notch分子訊息傳遞減弱時,則可促進神經幹細胞進行分化,形成不同神經組織細胞。γ-Secretase也控制Notch蛋白水解機制中最重要的一步。因此,我們將在老鼠神經幹細胞培養模式中發展出一套可定量分析Notch分子訊息的偵測方法,再利用此套方法找出可能影響Notch調控神經發育的機制。未來並可利用此一研究模式來了解其他相關的分子訊息傳遞機制是如何達到調控早期胚胎中神經系統之發育。目前,我們已證明可以利用γ-secretase抑制劑經由阻斷Notch分子訊息,而引導神經母細胞腫瘤 (neuroblastoma)的細胞進行分化為神經細胞 (Figure 4)。這些成果將可提供一分子模式,讓我們進一步了解神經細胞發育與分化的作用機轉,並找出如何經由特定的癌化機制造成交感神經系統的發育失常。


Honors and Awards:

  • 2018,  Research Award, Taiwan Dementia Society. (台灣臨床失智症學會學術獎)
  • 2017,  Travel Fellowship, Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2017 (AAIC 2017), London, United Kingdom.
  • 2012,  Asian Registration Scholarship from the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine, Keystone Symposium: S2, Aging and Diseases of Aging in Tokyo, Japan.
  • 2011,  Funding for Science and Technology Personnel Engaging in Short-term Foreign Research (Genome-scale Pooled shRNA Screens for Novel Modulators of gamma-Secretase), National Science Council, Taiwan.
  • 2010,  The ANRA Poster Award for the best poster in the Biological category, the 14th meeting of Advances in Neuroblastoma Research (ANR 2010), June 20~23, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden. “The interaction between GRP75 and retinoic acid receptor-/retinoid X receptor  is essential for retinoic acid-induced neuronal differentiation of neuroblastoma cells” 
  • 2009,  The SIOP Awards – Clinical Trials, the 41st Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP 2009), Sao Paulo, Brazil. “Notch signaling pathway is prognostic relevant and as a therapeutic target in neuroblastoma”
  • 2009,  Collaborative Research Project in shRNA Screen, National RNAi Core Facility (NRPGM-NSC, Taiwan) and Broad Institute (The RNAi Consortium 2), Cambridge, MA.
  • 2007,  Young Investigator Awards, Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation, the 8th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease Drug Discovery in New York, NY. 
  • 2004,  Travel Fellowship, the 9th International Related Disorders in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Extramural Services

  • 2011/01 – 2011/12,   Associate Editor, Editorial Board, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • 2017/01 – present,    Member, Editorial Board, Science Matters.
  • 2021/01 – present,    Associate Editor, Editorial Board, Frontiers in Pharmacology. 
  • 2021/03 – present,    Member, Editorial Board, Biomolecules (Molecular Pathology section).
姓名 職稱 電話 Email 備註
廖永豐 研究員 02-2787-1514 yliao@gate.sinica.edu.tw 實驗室主持人
陳韻文 專案研究人員 02-27899535 YWC120302@gate.sinica.edu.tw 實驗室資深助理
張育慈 約聘助理 02-27899535 yucih@yahoo.com.tw
周儒筠 約聘助理 02-27899535 r04b21021@ntu.edu.tw
周鳳寒 約聘助理 02-27899535 k1153992@gmail.com
陳怡妏 約聘助理 02-27899535 ywchen.amanda@gmail.com
吳柏帆 博士班研究生 02-27899535 wu80813@gmail.com
顏正浩 博士班研究生 02-2789-9535 zheng.nim.15@alumni.ucl.ac.uk
Liao, Y.-F.*, Wang, B.-J., Cheng, H.-T., Kuo, L.-H., Wolfe, M. S. (2004) TNF-a, IL-1b, and IFN-g stimulate g-secretase- mediated cleavage of amyloid precursor protein through a JNK-dependent MAPK pathway. J. Biol. Chem. 279, 49523- 49532.
Bakshi, P., Liao, Y.-F., Gao, J., Ni, J., Stein, R., Yeh, L.-A., Wolfe, M.S. (2005) A high-throughput screen to identify  inhibitors of amyloid b-protein precursor processing. J. Biomol. Screen. 10, 1-12.
Liao, Y.-F.*, Wang, B.-J., Hsu, W.-M., Lee, H., Liao, C.-Y., Wu, S.-Y., Cheng, H.-T., and Hu, M.-K. (2007) Unnatural  amino acid-substituted (hydroxyethyl)urea peptidomimetics inhibit gamma-secretase and promote the neuronal   differentiation of neuroblastoma cells. Mol. Pharmacol., 71, 588-601.
M.-K. Hu*, Y.-F. Liao*, J.-F. Chen, B.-J. Wang, H.-C. Lin, K.-P. Lee (2008) New 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroisoquinoline Derivatives as Modulators of Proteolytic Cleavage of Amyloid Precursor Proteins. Bioorg. Med. Chem., 16, 1957-1965.
Y.-T. Tung, W.-M. Hsu, B.-J. Wang, S.-Y. Wu, C.-T. Yen, M.-K. Hu*, and Y.-F. Liao* (2008) Sodium selenite inhibits g- secretase activity through activation of ERK. Neurosci. Lett., 440, 38-43.
W.-M. Hsu, H. Lee, H.-F. Juan, Y.-Y. Shih, B.-J. Wang, C.-Y. Pan, Y.-M. Jeng, H.-H. Chang, M.-Y. Lu, K.-H. Lin, H.-S.    Lai, W.-J. Chen, Y.-G. Tsay*, Y.-F. Liao*, and F.-J. Hsieh* (2008) Identification of GRP75 as an Independent Favorable   Prognostic Marker of Neuroblastoma by a Proteomics Analysis. Clin. Cancer Res., In press.
L.-H. Kuo, M.-K. Hu, W.-M. Hsu, Y.-T. Tung, W.-W. Tsai, C.-T. Yen, and Y.-F. Liao* (2008) TNF-α-elicited stimulation  of γ-secretase is mediated by JNK-dependent phosphorylation of presenilin and nicastrin. (submitted)

