
研究人員|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所

側邊選單開關 研究人員


  • 李宜靜Yi-Ching Lee 李宜靜老師 Research ID 李宜靜老師 ORCID
    副研究員Associate Research Fellow
    • 專長:Human Genetic Diseases, Developmental Biology
    • 信箱:yiching@gate.sinica.edu.tw
    • 電話:02-2787-1550
    • 網站: 李宜靜老師實驗室
    • 位置:R502/ICOB
Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Assistant Professor, Institute of Molecular Medicine, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Institute of Integrated Medicine, China Medial University, Taichung, Taiwan
Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Group leader, National Center for Genome Medicine, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Visiting Fellow, National Institute of Child Health& Human Development (NICHD), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD.
Ph.D., Graduate Institute of Life Science, National Defense University, Taipei, Taiwan





  1. Lin YW, Kao HJ, Chen WT, Kao CF, Wu JY, Chen YT, Lee YC (2023) Cell-based screen identifies porphyrins as FGFR3 activity inhibitors with therapeutic potential for achondroplasia and cancer. JCI Insight 8 (22). doi:10.1172/jci.insight.171257
  2. Jiang CL, Tsao CY, Lee YC (2022) Vitamin C attenuates predisposition to high-fat diet-induced metabolic dysregulation in GLUT10-deficient mouse model. Genes Nutr 17 (1):10. doi:10.1186/s12263-022-00713-y
  3. Wagner BM, Robinson JW, Lin YW, Lee, Y.C., Kaci N, Legeai-Mallet L, Potter LR, 2021, “Prevention of guanylyl cyclase-B dephosphorylation rescues achondroplastic dwarfism.”, JCI insight, 6(9), e147832. 
  4. Jiang, C.L., Jen, W.P., Tsao, C.Y., Chang, L.C., Chen, C.H., Lee, Y.C.* (2020) Glucose Transporter 10 Modulates Adipogenesis via Ascorbic Acid-Mediated Pathway to Protect Mice Against Diet-Induced Metabolic Dysregulation., PLOS Genetics, 16, e1008823. 
  5. Jen, W.P., Chen, H.M., Lin, Y.S., Chern, Y. and Lee, Y.C.* (2020) Twist1 Plays an Anti-apoptotic Role in Mutant Huntingtin Expression Striatal Progenitor Cells. Mol Neurobiol, 57, 1688-1703. 
  6. Syu, Y.W., Lai, H.W., Jiang, C.L., Tsai, H.Y., Lin, C.C. and Lee, Y.C.* (2018) GLUT10 maintains the integrity of major arteries through regulation of redox homeostasis and mitochondrial function. Hum Mol Genet, 27, 307-321. 
  7. Lee, Y.C.,* Song, I.W., Pai, Y.J., Chen, S.D. and Chen, Y.T.* (2017) Knock-in human FGFR3 achondroplasia mutation as a mouse model for human skeletal dysplasia. Sci Rep, 7, 43220. 
  8. Ko, T.M., Kuo, H.C., Chang, J.S., Chen, S.P., Liu, Y.M., Chen, H.W., Tsai, F.J., Lee, Y.C., Chen, C.H., Wu, J.Y.* Chen, Y.T.* (2015) CXCL10/IP-10 is a biomarker and mediator for Kawasaki disease. Circ Res, 116, 876-883. 
  9. Chen, C.H., Lee, C.S., Lee, M.T., Ouyang, W.C., Chen, C.C., Chong, M.Y., Wu, J.Y., Tan, H.K., Lee, Y.C., et al., Chen YT*, Cheng AT* (2014) Variant GADL1 and response to lithium therapy in bipolar I disorder. N Engl J Med, 370, 119-128. 
  10. Lee, Y.C., Kuo, H.C., Chang, J.S., Chang, L.Y., Huang, L.M., Chen, M.R., Liang, C.D., Chi, H., Huang, F.Y., Lee, M.L., Huang, Y.C., Hwang, B., Chiu, N.C., Hwang, K.P., Lee, P.C., Chang, L.C., Liu, Y.M., Chen, Y.J., Chen, C.H., Chen, Y.T.*, Tsai, F.J.*, Wu, J.Y.* (2012) Two new susceptibility loci for Kawasaki disease identified through genome-wide association analysis. Nat Genet, 44, 522-525. 
  11. Khor, C.C.,  Davila, S.,  Breunis, W.B.,  Lee, Y.C.,  Shimizu, C., Wright, V.J., Yeung, R.S., Tan, D.E., Sim, K.S., Wang, J.J. Wong, T.Y.* (2011) Genome-wide association study identifies FCGR2A as a susceptibility locus for Kawasaki disease. Nat Genet, 43, 1241-1246. 
  12. Lee, Y.C., Huang, H.Y., Chang, C.J., Cheng, C.H. and Chen, Y.T.* (2010) Mitochondrial GLUT10 facilitates dehydroascorbic acid import and protects cells against oxidative stress: mechanistic insight into arterial tortuosity syndrome. Hum Mol Genet, 19, 3721-3733.