
研究人員|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所

側邊選單開關 研究人員


Research Fellow, Marine Research Station, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Associate Research Fellow, Marine Research Station, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2007- 2011
Assistant Research Fellow, Marine Research Station, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2003- 2007
Assistant Research Scientist, Marine Research Station, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2001- 2002
Postdoctoral Research Associate, The Sanger Institute Wellcome Trust, Cambridge U.K.
2000- 2001
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Ph.D. Institute of Zoology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

抗菌胜肽,就是一種可以對抗微生物的胜肽,小於100個胺基酸的一種胜肽,又名「抗菌蛋白」。抗菌胜肽幾乎可以在各種生物中被發現,而抗菌胜肽更是生物個體先天性免疫中重要的一環。抗菌胜肽都有一些共通的特性: 分子量小、帶正電(帶有+2~+9價電荷)、具有明顯的兩極性,因此抗菌胜肽才能與磷脂膜有很強的相互作用與滲透磷脂膜的能力,這也是抗菌胜肽之所以具有抗菌功能的關鍵;但是在眾多抗菌胜肽上,不論在立體結構或是胺基酸序列上,都有許多差異性。近年來研究發現,抗菌胜肽除了能對抗革蘭氏陰性菌與革蘭氏陽性菌之外,更多的研究學者發現,抗菌胜肽還具有對抗臨床致病菌株、黴菌、真菌、寄生蟲與具有外套膜的病毒,更還發現具有對抗癌症的功能,因此具有抗癌功能的此類抗菌胜肽則特別稱為抗癌胜肽,這對急於發展新興的抗癌藥物而言,是一項很重大發現。實驗室的研究方向與興趣如下:

1) 使用各種修飾方法,例如蛋白質工程學、化學工程學,修改抗菌肽並降低其毒性、溶血性,增強其在不同離子濃度與血液中之半衰期長度。

2) 探討抗菌肽在抗革蘭氏陰性菌、抗革蘭氏陽性菌、抗黴菌、抗真菌、抗寄生蟲、抗病毒,與抗癌症上的機能性與相關藥物研發。

3) 抗菌胜肽在細胞上之分子機制探討。

  1. Bor-Chyuan Su, Chieh-Yu Pan, Jyh-Yih Chen* (2019). Antimicrobial peptide TP4 induces ROS-mediated necrosis by triggering mitochondrial dysfunction in wild-type and mutant p53 glioblastoma cells. Cancers (Basel). Cancers (Basel). 2019 Feb 1;11(2). pii: E171. doi: 10.3390/cancers11020171. *Corresponding author. 
  2. Bor-Chyuan Su, Han-Ning Huang, Tai-Wen Lin, Chwan-Deng Hsiao, Jyh-Yih Chen* (2017). Epinecidin-1 protects mice from LPS-induced endotoxemia and cecal ligation and puncture-induced polymicrobial sepsis. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease (in press) *Corresponding author.
  3. Jayaram Lakshmaiah Narayana, Han-Ning Huang, Chang-Jer Wu*, Jyh-Yih Chen* (2015). Epinecidin-1 Bactericidal Activity: Membrane Destabilization via Saddle-Splay Curvature Generation, and Modulation of Helicobacter pylori-Induced Host Immune Responses in a Mouse Model. Biomaterials 61:41-51. *Corresponding author. 
  4. Wu-Fu Chen, Shi-Ying Huang, Chang-Yi Liao, Chun-Sung Sung, Jyh-Yih Chen*, Zhi-Hong Wen* (2015). The use of the antimicrobial peptide piscidin (PCD)-1 as a novel anti-nociceptive agent. Biomaterials 53:1-11. *Corresponding author. 
  5. Chen-Hung Ting, Han-Ning Huang, Tsui-Chin Huang, Chang-Jer Wu, Jyh-Yih Chen* (2014). The mechanisms by which pardaxin, a natural cationic antimicrobial peptide, targets the endoplasmic reticulum and induces c-FOS. Biomaterials 35(11):3627-3640. *Corresponding author. 
  6. Han-Ning Huang, Venugopal Rajanbabu, Chieh-Yu Pan, Yi-Lin Chan, Chang-Jer Wu*, Jyh-Yih Chen* (2013). Use of the antimicrobial peptide Epinecidin-1 to protect against MRSA infection in mice with skin injuries. Biomaterials 34(38):10319-10327. *Corresponding author. 
  7. Han-Ning Huang, Venugopal Rajanbabu, Chieh-Yu Pan, Yi-Lin Chan, Chang-Jer Wu*, Jyh-Yih Chen* (2013). A cancer vaccine based on the marine antimicrobial peptide pardaxin (GE33) for control of bladder-associated tumors. Biomaterials 34(38):10151-10159. *Corresponding author. 
  8. Han-Ning Huang, Venugopal Rajanbabu, Chieh-Yu Pan , Yi-Lin Chan, Cho-Fat Hui, Jyh-Yih Chen*, Chang-Jer Wu* (2011). Modulation of the immune-related gene responses to protect mice against Japanese encephalitis virus using the antimicrobial peptide, tilapia hepcidin 1-5. Biomaterials 32(28):6804-14. *Corresponding author. 
  9. Han-Ning Huang, Chieh-Yu Pan, Venugopal Rajanbabu, Chang-Jer Wu*, Jyh-Yih Chen* (2011). Modulation of immune responses by the antimicrobial peptide, epinecidin (Epi)-1, and establishment of an Epi-1 based inactivated vaccines. Biomaterials 32(14):3627-3636. *Corresponding author. 
  10. Venugopal Rajanbabu, Jyh-Yih Chen* (2011). Applications of antimicrobial peptides from fish and perspectives for the future. Peptides 32(2):415-420. *Corresponding author.