
研究人員|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所

側邊選單開關 研究人員


  • 郭紘志Hung-Chih Kuo  郭紘志老師 Research ID  郭紘志老師 ORCID
    研究員兼副所長Research Fellow & Deputy Director
    • 專長:Stem Cell Biology, Regenerative Medicine RNA Biology
    • 信箱:kuohuch@gate.sinica.edu.tw
    • 電話:02-2789-9588
    • 網站: 郭紘志老師實驗室
    • 位置:N401B/IBMS
Research Fellow & Deputy Director, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Associate Research Fellow,Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2004- 2013
Assistant Research Scientist, Stem Cell Program, Genomics Research Center/Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2003- 2004
Staff Scientist, Oregon National Primate Research Center, Oregon Health Sciences, University, U.S.A.
2001- 2002
Post-doctoral Fellow, Oregon National Primate Research Center, Oregon Health Sciences, University, U.S.A.
Ph.D. Reproductive Genetics, King's College London, UK

過去對神經退化及再生現象之探討,因缺乏相關之人類材料,導致了諸多的限制。近來,因細胞再編程技術的進展,因而能直接將人類體細胞於實驗室環境中轉化為誘導式多能性幹細胞(iPSC),並自其分化為不同種類之細胞以供研究或臨床的應用。結合iPSC,基因編輯與類器官技術,我們的研究目標聚焦於探討大腦退化及再生的機制,並寄望藉此發展可供治療人類神經退化性疾病的新穎策略。我們實驗室長期的研究方向有:(1)以疾病iPSC為基礎來探討non-coding RNA於神經退化性疾病及神經再生的角色與發展治療方法。(2) 以人類pluripotent stem cell為基礎的中樞神經系統類器官體,組合體建構建構工程與組織再生。(3)   發展以iPSC為基礎的免疫及基因治療策略。 

  1. Wu YY and Kuo HC* (2020) Functional roles and networks of non-coding RNAs in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, Journal of Biomedical Science, 27(1):49 
  2. Huang HP, Chiang W, Chuang CY, Stone L, Kang CK, Hwu WL, Kuo HC*. (2019) Using human Pompe Disease induced pluripotent stem cells-derived neural cells for identifying chemicals with therapeutic potential. Molecular Human Genetics, 28(23):3880-3894 
  3. Yu CY, Li TC, Wu YY, Yeh CH, Chiang W, Chuang CY, Kuo HC*. (2017) The Circular RNA circBIRC6 participates in the molecular circuitry controlling human pluripotency. Nature Communications. 8(1):1149.  
  4. Hou PS, Chuang CY, Yeh CH, Chiang W, Liu HJ, Lin TN, Kuo HC*. (2017) Direct conversion of human fibroblasts into neural progenitors via the use of transcription factors highly enriched in human ESC-derived neural progenitors, Stem Cell Reports. 8(1):54-68. 
  5. Yu CY and Kuo HC*. (2016) The trans-spliced long noncoding RNA tsRMST impedes human ESC differentiation through WNT5A-mediated inhibition of the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, Stem Cells. 34(8):2052-62. 
  6. Chiu FL, Lin JT, Chuang CY, Chien T, Chen CM, Chen KH, Hsiao HY, Lin YS, Chern Y*, Kuo HC*. (2015) Elucidating the role of the A2A adenosine receptor in neurodegeneration using neurons derived from Huntington’s disease iPSCs”, Human Molecular Genetics. 24(21): 6066-6079. 
  7. Yu CY, Liu HJ, Kuo HC*, Chuang TJ*. (2014). Is an observed non-co-linear RNA product spliced in trans, in cis, or just in vitro? Nuclei Acids Research. 42(14):9410-23. 
  8. Lin YI, Chiu FL, Yeang CH, Chen HF, Chuang CY, Yang SY, Hou PS, Sintupisut N, Ho HN, Kuo HC*, Lin KI*. (2014) Suppression of the SOX2 neural effector gene by PRDM1 promotes human germ cell fate in embryonic stem cells. Stem Cell Reports. 2(2):189-204. 
  9. Wu CS, Yu CY, Chuang CY, Hsiao M, Kao CF, Kuo HC*, Chuang TJ*. (2014) Integrative transcriptome sequencing identifies trans-splicing events with important roles in human embryonic stem cell pluripotency. Genome Research. 24(1):25-36. (Highlighted by Nature Reviews Genetics) 
  10. Hou PS, Chuang CY, Kao CF, Chou SJ, Stone L, Ho HN, Chien Cl, Kuo HC*. (2013) LHX2 regulates the neural differentiation of human embryonic stem cells via transcriptional modulation of PAX6 and CER1. Nucleic Acids Research. 41(16):7753-7770.