
研究人員|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所

側邊選單開關 研究人員


  • 太田欽也Kinya Ota 太田欽也老師 Research ID 太田欽也老師 ORCID
    副研究員Associate Research Fellow
    • 專長:Zoology, Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Marine Biology
    • 信箱:otakinya@gate.sinica.edu.tw
    • 電話:03-9880544 ext.35
    • 網站: 太田欽也老師實驗室
    • 位置:B209/MRS
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica
RIKEN CDB Research Scientist
Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
PhD. Department of Genetics, School of Life Science, The Graduate University for Advance Studies (SOKENDAI)


  1. Li IJ, Lee SH, Abe G, Ota KG (2019) Embryonic and postembryonic development of the ornamental twin‐tail goldfish. Developmental Dynamics 248 (4):251-283
  2. Abe G, Lee S-H, Li J, Chang C-J, Tamura K, Ota KG (2016) Open and closed evolutionary paths for drastic morphological changes, involving serial gene duplication, sub-functionalization, and selection. Scientific reports 6:26838
  3. Ota KG, Abe G (2016) Goldfish morphology as a model for evolutionary developmental biology. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Developmental Biology 5 (3):272-295
  4. Li IJ, Chang CJ, Liu SC, Abe G, Ota KG (2015) Postembryonic staging of wild‐type goldfish, with brief reference to skeletal systems. Developmental Dynamics 244 (12):1485-1518
  5. Abe G, Lee S-H, Chang M, Liu S-C, Tsai H-Y, Ota KG (2014) The origin of the bifurcated axial skeletal system in the twin-tail goldfish. Nat Commun 5 (1):1-7
  6. Tsai HY, Chang M, Liu SC, Abe G, Ota KG (2013) Embryonic development of goldfish (Carassius auratus): a model for the study of evolutionary change in developmental mechanisms by artificial selection. Developmental dynamics 242 (11):1262-1283
  7. Oisi Y, Ota KG, Kuraku S, Fujimoto S, Kuratani S (2013) Craniofacial development of hagfishes and the evolution of vertebrates. Nature 493 (7431):175-180
  8. Ota KG, Fujimoto S, Oisi Y, Kuratani S (2011) Identification of vertebra-like elements and their possible differentiation from sclerotomes in the hagfish. Nat Commun 2 (1):1-6
  9. Ota KG, Kuraku S, Kuratani S (2007) Hagfish embryology with reference to the evolution of the neural crest. Nature 446 (7136):672-675
  10. Ota KG, Kuratani S (2006) The history of scientific endeavors towards understanding hagfish embryology. Zoological science 23 (5):403-418