
研究人員|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所

側邊選單開關 研究人員


  • 李奇鴻Chi-Hon Lee 李奇鴻老師 Research ID 李奇鴻老師 ORCID
    特聘研究員兼所長Distinguished Research Fellow & Director
    • 專長:neuroscience
    • 信箱:leechih@gate.sinica.edu.tw
    • 電話:02-2789-9501
    • 網站: 李奇鴻老師實驗室
    • 位置:R530/ICOB
Director, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica
Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica
2009- 2018
Senior Investigator, NICHD/NIH
2006- 2018
Adjunct Professor, BISI/University of Maryland
2002- 2009
Investigator, NICHD/NIH
1997- 2002
Postdoctoral Fellow, UCLA/HHMI
Ph.D. degree, Biophysics, Rockefeller Universi

實驗室利用果蠅視覺系統來探究大腦的發育及處理色訊的視神經迴路及功能。我們想了解 (1)大腦發育過程中神經元間如何建構成複雜且精確的神經迴路,(2)視覺系統如何進行神經計算來辨識不同的視覺屬性(如物件之色彩與移動)並引導動物個體產生適當的行為反應。我們以遺傳學方法標定特定神經元,結合超顯微影像、活體鈣離子影像、及光遺傳學技術來研究神經計算和信號轉換,以期暸解計算的神經機制對動物行為產生的作用。

  1. Li, Y., Chen, P.-J., Lin, T.-Y., Ting, C.-Y., Muthuirulan, P., Pursley, R., Ilić, M., Pirih, P., Drews, M., Menon, K. P., Zinn, K. G., Pohida, T., Borst, A., and  Lee, C.-H. (2021) Neural Mechanism of Spatio-chromatic Opponency in the Drosophila Amacrine Neurons. Curr Biol. Jul 26;31(14):3040-3052.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.04.068
  2. Luo, J., Ting, C.-Y., Li, Y., McQueen, P. G., Lin, T.-Y., Hsu, C. P., and Lee, C.-H.  (2020) Antagonistic Regulation by Insulin-like Peptide and Activin Ensures the Elaboration of Appropriate Dendritic Field Sizes of Amacrine Neurons. eLife 2020:9:e50568. doi: 10.7554/eLife.50568
  3. Song, B.-M., and Lee, C.-H. (2018) Toward a Mechanistic Understanding of Color Vision in Insects. Front. Neural Circuits 12:16. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2018.00016
  4. Li, Y., Dharkar, P., Han, T.-H., Serpe, M., Lee, C.-H., Mayer, M.L. (2016) Novel Functional Properties of Drosophila CNS Glutamate Receptors. Neuron 92: 1036–1048.
  5. Lin, T.-Y., Luo, J., Shinomiya, K., Ting, C.-Y., Lu, Z., Meinerzhagen. I.A., and Lee, C.-H. (2016) Mapping Chromatic Pathways in the Drosophila Visual System. J Comp Neurol. 524:213-227.
  6. Melnattur, K.V., Pursley, R., Lin, T.-Y., Ting, C.-Y., Smith, P.D., Pohida, T. and Lee, C.-H. (2014) Multiple Redundant Medulla Projection Neurons Mediate Color Vision in Drosophila. J. Neurogenetics. 28:374-388.
  7. Karuppudurai, T., Lin, T.-Y., Ting, C.-Y., Pursley. R., Melnattur, K. V., Diao, F., White, B. H., Macpherson, L. J., Gallio,M., Pohida, T. and Lee, C.-H. (2014) A Hard-wired Glutamatergic Circuit Pools and Relays UV Signals to Mediate Spectral Preference in Drosophila. Neuron 81: 603-615.
  8. Ting, C.-Y., McQueen, P. G., Pandya, N., Lin, T.-Y., Yang, M., Reddy, O. V., O’Connor, M. B., McAuliffe, M. and Lee, C.-H. (2014) Photoreceptor-Derived Activin Promotes Dendritic Termination and Restricts the Receptive Fields of First-Order Interneurons in Drosophila. Neuron 81: 830-46.
  9. Gao, S., Takemura, S.-y., Ting, C.-Y., Huang, S., Lu, Z., Luan, H., Rister, J., Thum, A. S., Yang, M., Hong, S.-T., Wang, J.W., Odenwald, W.F., White, B.H., Meinertzhagen, I.A., Lee, C.-H. (2008) The Neural Substrate of Spectral Preference in Drosophila. Neuron 60, 328-42.
  10. Ting, C.-Y., Herman, T., Yonekura S., Gao, S., Wang, J., Serpe, M., O'Connor, M.B., Zipursky, S.L., Lee, C.-H. (2007) Tiling of R7 axons in the Drosophila visual system is mediated both by transduction of an Activin signal to the nucleus and by mutual repulsion. Neuron 56: 793-806.