
中研院國際研究生博士學位學程(TIGP)|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所


Academia Sinica Degree Program


Translational Medicine Ph.D. Program


Our goals are to cultivate specialists in translational medicine (practice and research) and to promote the integration of basic, clinical and public health research. By utilizing software and hardware resources at Academia Sinica, NTU College of Medicine, NTU Hospital, and the future NTU Cancer Center, we combine basic and clinical research as a two-way authentication system for medical knowledge.

We train brilliant scientists and doctors in the translational medicine field in an effort to improve the quality of translational research and clinical care. Additionally, we provide a platform for students in non-medical fields to participate in translational medical research. With various teaching resources and a diverse group of researchers, we have developed a complete system for teaching and conducting research in translational medicine. This system is designed to promote creativity and establish our leadership in the field.

Affiliated ICOB Faculty

  • Translational Medicine: Chi-Hon Lee, Han-Chung Wu, Yung-Feng Liao, Ling-Huei Yih, Yi-Ching Lee
  • Stem Cell Medicine: Han-Chung Wu, Hung-Chih Kuo, Cheng-Fu Kao, Hwei-Jan Hsu


NTOU - Marine Biotechnology Ph.D. Program