International Symposium of Aquatic Animal Phyiology 2024_Retirement Seminar for Distinguished Professor Pung-Pung Hwang
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This symposium is organized to honor Professor Pung-Pung Hwang of his retirement in the summer of 2024, celebrating Professor Hwang's outstanding contributions to the field of fish physiology. Professor Hwang has dedicated his career to advancing our understanding of fish physiology and has earned great respect in the academic community. The symposium will be held in Taipei on October 14-15, 2024, for one and a half days. We cordially invite Professor Hwang's research partners and collaborators to join us in reflecting on his academic achievements and exploring future directions in fish and aquatic molecular ecophysiology.
Website: International Symposium of Aquatic Animal Phyiology 2024
Online Registration: International Symposium of Aquatic Animal Phyiology 2024_Registration
Registration Deadline: Monday, September 16, 2024
Organizer: Institute of Cellular And Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica 中央研究院細胞與個體生物學研究所
Co-organizer: The Ichthyological Society of Taiwan 中華民國魚類學會