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Online Open House -Live Stream Seminar & Video Presentation|Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica


Online Open House -Live Stream Seminar & Video Presentation

2021 Academia Sinica –ICOB Online Open House!

1.【Facebook Live Stream Seminar - Meet the Scientists!】

Other than wearing lab coats and shaking test tubes or staring at the microscope all day long, do you know what scientists do every day? Listen to our informal chat on ICOB Facebook Fanpage channel to get a glimpse of daily life for researchers at Academia Sinica.

Time: 10/30 10:00-11:00
Speaker: Dr. Hwei-Jan Hsu, Dr. Chen-Hui Chen, Dr. Yung-Che Tseng
* This lecture will be conducted in Chinese.
* Live stream seminar on ICOB Facebook Fanpage

ICOB Facebook Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/icobedu
For more information: https://openhouse.sinica.edu.tw/openhouse_events/47

Meet the Scientists


2.【Youtube Online Video Presentation- What Can We Learn from Cell and Animal Models?】

This activity includes a series of short videos to introduce some of the laboratory models used in the Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology. Each video also describes one or two basic concepts in current biological research and highlights important scientific vocabulary words.
Time: 10/30 09:00 - 11/07 16:00
Speaker: Dr. Marcus Calkins
* Video series in English with Chinese subtitles
* Open House Stamps QR code will be shown in videos

For more information: https://openhouse.sinica.edu.tw/openhouse_events/66

What Can We Learn from Cell and Animal Models?