Prof. An-Chi Wei
MitoTox: a Mitochondrial Toxicity Database and Screening Platform
Owen Kuo (Application Scientist, Pharmigene, Inc.)
Prep for Success-Sample Compatibility Across a Wide Range of Tissue Types: Chromium Nuclei Isolation
Dr. Marcus J. Calkins
Flash Talks; Slide Content and Pronunciation
Dr. Hwei-Jan Hsu
Stem Cell Recruitment, Regulation and Adaption
Dr. Jr-Kai Yu
Probing into the Dawn of Vertebrate Evolution: Insights from the Invertebrate Chordate Amphioxus
Dr. Chen-Hui Chen
Fantastic Fish and Where to Find Them
Prof. Chieh Chang
Spatial and Temporal Control of Dendrite Arborization in Neuronal Connectivity
Dr. Chan Keat Ying
Asynthetic Fission in the Zebrafish Skin Epidermis
Dr. Hsiung-Lin Tu
Streamlined Single-cell Proteomics & Bio-interface Engineering for Quantitative Bioanalysis
Prof. Ming-Jer Tang
Why are Most Organs Soft?