
研究人員|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所

側邊選單開關 研究人員


  • 林子暘Tzu-Yang Lin 林子暘老師 Research ID 林子暘老師 ORCID
    研究副技師Associate Research Scientist
    • 專長:Genetics, Neurobiology, Disease models
    • 信箱:tzuyanglin@gate.sinica.edu.tw
    • 電話:02-2787-1533
    • 網站: 神經生物實驗室
    • 位置:R536/ICOB
Assistant Research Scientist of ICOB, Academia Sinica
Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Life Sciences, National Defense Medical Center, Taiwan
Postdoctoral Fellow, NICHD/NIH, USA
Postdoctoral Fellow, NHRI, Taiwan
Ph.D., Molecular Biology, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan


膠質母細胞瘤(Glioblastoma)在成人中為最普遍且致命的成人腦癌,強侵犯性及基因異質性常是導致標準治療失敗的主因。因此探究癌化機轉來研發新穎且有效的療法來延長病患預後存活率是極為需要的。我們已經成功建立果蠅成蟲膠質母細胞瘤動物模式,利用在果蠅成蟲的腦膠質細胞裡同時活化EGFR與PI3K訊號路徑來引發腦瘤生成,我們發現果蠅腦體積顯著變大且伴隨活動力的減弱,亦導致壽命的縮短 (Chi et al., 2019)。由於此果蠅腦瘤疾病模式能引起數種明顯病徵,可供我們評估疾病進程並逐步檢視驗證致病機轉的機會。初步測試發現以 RNAi 方法降低包括細胞增生、轉移等致癌訊號都能在此系統有效減緩腦瘤形成,顯示此果蠅疾病模式可反應實際疾病的致病現象。目前我們已測試數個未曾被報導過的新穎標的代謝相關基因,將以此活體系統快速檢視驗證這些標的基因對疾病的影響,任何能減緩腦瘤形成的候選基因將回到癌症細胞株與臨床檢體加以確認相關性,據此可解析腦癌關鍵致病機轉,提供對於預後病情之預測且有助開發新穎治療策略。長遠的目標可研發改進此動物疾病模式成為新穎藥物篩選平台,未來將針對新穎之致病標的分子研發可能療法。

  1. Lin, T. Y., Chen, P.J., Yu, H. H., Hsu, C. P., and Lee, C. H.  (2021) Extrinsic Factors Regulating Dendritic Patterning. Front Cell Neurosci. Jan 13;14:622808. 
  2. Li, Y., Chen, P.-J., Lin, T.-Y., Ting, C.-Y., Muthuirulan, P., Pursley, R., Ilić, M., Pirih, P., Drews, M., Menon, K. P., Zinn, K. G., Pohida, T., Borst, A., and Lee, C.-H.  (2021) Neural Mechanism of Spatio-chromatic Opponency in the Drosophila Amacrine Neurons. Curr Biol. Jul 26;31(14):3040-3052.e9 
  3. Luo, J., Ting, C.-Y., Li, Y., McQueen, P. G., Lin, T. Y., Hsu, C. P., and Lee, C. H.  (2020) Antagonistic Regulation by Insulin-like Peptide and Activin Ensures the Elaboration of Appropriate Dendritic Field Sizes of Amacrine Neurons. eLife 2020:9:e50568. 
  4. Chi, K. C., Tsai, W. C., Wu, C. L., Lin, T. Y.*, and Hueng, D. Y.*  (2019) An Adult Drosophila Glioma Model for Studying Pathometabolic Pathways of Gliomagenesis. Molecular Neurobiology, 56(6), 4589-4599. (* Corresponding Author) 
  5. Lin, T. Y., Luo, J., Shinomiya, K., Ting, C. Y., Lu, Z., Meinertzhagen, I.A., and Lee, C. H.  (2016) Mapping Chromatic Pathways in the Drosophila Visual System. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 524(2), 213-227. (Featured cover image) 
  6. Macpherson, L.J., Zaharieva, E.E., Kearney, P.J., Alpert, M.H., Lin, T. Y., Turan, Z., Lee, C. H., and Gallio, M.  (2015) Dynamic, Multi-color Labeling of Neural Connections by Trans-synaptic Fluorescence Complementation. Nature Communications, 6, Article number: 10024. 
  7. Karuppudurai, T.*, Lin, T. Y.*, Ting, C. Y., Pursley, R., Melnattur, K.V., Diao, F., White, B.H., Macpherson, L.J., Gallio, M., Pohida, T., and Lee, C. H.  (2014) A Hard-wired Glutamatergic Circuit Pools and Relays UV Signals to Mediate Spectral Preference in Drosophila. Neuron, 81, 603-615. (*co-first author)  (Recommended in F1000Prime) 
  8. Lin, T. Y.*, Huang, C. H.*, Kao, H. H., Liou, G. G., Yeh, S. R., Cheng, C. M., Chen, M. H., Pan, R. L., and Juang, J. L. (2009) Abi plays an opposing role to Abl in Drosophila axonogenesis and synaptogenesis. Development, 136 (18), 3099-3107. (*co-first author)