
研究人員|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所

側邊選單開關 研究人員


  • 廖永豐Yung-Feng Liao 廖永豐老師 Research ID 廖永豐老師 ORCID
    研究員Research Fellow
Research Fellow, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia
Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Ph.D., Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Life Science, National Taiwan University.
Adjunct Assist./Assoc. Professor, Institute of Zoology, National Taiwan University.
  1. N. Bhore, B.-J. Wang, P.-F. Wu, Y.-L. Lee, Y.-W. Chen, W.- M. Hsu, H. Lee, Y.-S. Huang, D.-I Yang, and Y.-F. Liao*. (2021) Dual-specificity phosphatase 15 (DUSP15) modulates Notch signaling by enhancing the stability of Notch protein. Mol. Neurobiol., 58: 2204-2214.
  2. P.-F. Wu, N. Bhore, Y.-L. Lee, J.-Y. Chou, Y.-W. Chen, P.-Y. Wu, W.-M. Hsu, H. Lee, Y.-S. Huang, P.-J. Lu, Y.-F. Liao*. (2020) Phosphatidylinositol-4-Phosphate 5-Kinase Type 1α Attenuates Aβ Production by Promoting Non-amyloidogenic Processing of Amyloid Precursor Protein. FASEB J., 34: 12127-12146. 
  3. P.-Y. Wu, I-S. Yu, Y.-C. Lin, Y.-T. Chang, C.-C. Chen, K.-H. Lin, T.-H. Tseng, M. Kargren, Y.-L. Tai, T.-L. Shen, Y.-L. Liu, B.-J. Wang, C.-H. Chang, W.-M. Chen, H.-F. Juan, S.-F. Huang, Y.-Y. Chan, Y.-F. Liao*, W.-M. Hsu*, and H. Lee*. (2019) Activation of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor by Kynurenine Impairs Progression and Metastasis of Neuroblastoma. Cancer Res., 79: 5550-5562. 
  4. P.-Y. Wu, P.-Y. Chuang, G.-D. Chang, Y.-Y. Chan, T.-C. Tsai, B.-J. Wang, K.-H. Lin, W.-M. Hsu*, Y.-F. Liao*, and H. Lee*. (2019) Novel Endogenous Ligands of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Mediate Neural Development and Differentiation of Neuroblastoma. ACS Chem. Neurosci., 10: 4031-4042. 
  5. B.-J. Wang, G. M. Her, M.-K. Hu, Y.-W. Chen, Y.-T. Tung, P.-Y. Wu, W.-M. Hsu, H. Lee, L.-W. Jin, S.-P. L. Hwang, R. P.-Y. Chen, C.-J. Huang, and Y.-F. Liao*. (2017) ErbB2 regulates autophagic flux to modulate the proteostasis of APP-CTFs in Alzheimer's disease. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 114: E3129-E3138. 
  6. Y.-T. Tung, B.-J. Wang, W.-M. Hsu, M.-K. Hu, G. M. Her, W.-P. Huang*, Y.-F. Liao*. (2014) Presenilin-1 regulates the expression of p62 to govern p62-dependent Tau degradation. Mol. Neurobiol., 49, 10-27. 
  7. A. Kapoor, B.-J. Wang, W.-M. Hsu, M.-Y. Chang, S.-M. Liang*, Y.-F. Liao*. (2013) Retinoic acid-elicited RARα/RXRα signaling attenuates Aβ production by directly inhibiting γ-secretase-mediated cleavage of amyloid precursor protein. ACS Chem. Neurosci., 4, 1093-1100. 
  8. H.-H. Chang, H. Lee, M.-K. Hu, P.-N. Tsao, H.-F. Juan, M.-C. Huang, Y.-Y. Shih, B.-J. Wang, Y.-M. Jeng, C. L. Chang, S.-F. Huang, Y.-G. Tsay, F.-J. Hsieh, K.-H. Lin*, W.-M. Hsu*, and Y.-F. Liao*. (2010) Notch1 expression predicts an unfavorable prognosis and serves as a therapeutic target of patients with neuroblastoma. Clin. Cancer Res., 16, 4411-4420. (Highlights: Selected articles from this issue by editors) 
  9. L.-H. Kuo, M.-K. Hu, W.-M. Hsu, Y.-T. Tung, B.-J. Wang, W.-W. Tsai, C.-T. Yen, and Y.-F. Liao*. (2008) TNF-α-elicited stimulation of γ-secretase is mediated by JNK-dependent phosphorylation of presenilin and nicastrin. Mol. Biol. Cell, 19, 4201-4212.  
  10. Y.-F. Liao*, Wang, B.-J., Cheng, H.-T., Kuo, L.-H., Wolfe, M. S. (2004) TNF-α, IL-1β, and IFN-γ stimulate γ-secretase-mediated cleavage of amyloid precursor protein through a JNK-dependent MAPK pathway. J. Biol. Chem. 279, 49523-49532.