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Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica


Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology (ICOB) – Academia Sinica Research Assistant position at Research Group on Marine Eco-Evo-Devo (Vincent Laudet) at Yilan Marine Research Station

The Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology (ICOB; http://icob.sinica.edu.tw) is one of the research institute of Academia Sinica in Taiwan. ICOB investigates basic mechanisms by which cellular functions and cell-cell interactions coordinate the growth and development of an organism, and its adaptation to an ever-changing environment. Current research at ICOB comprises four focus areas: (1) Cellular dysfunction, (2) Eco-Evo-Devo, (3) Neuroscience, (4) Stem cell and regenerative biology. These areas are complementary rather than mutually exclusive, which encourages cross-disciplinary research. 

Among the Eco-Evo-Devo area the research group of Vincent Laudet, is located at the ICOB’s Marine Research Station at Yilan and host 5 research group. This laboratory uses coral reef fishes and in particular clownfish to better understand the role of hormones in life history transition, and specifically metamorphosis (that is larvae to juvenile transformation). The lab of Vincent Laudet is jointly supported by Academia Sinica and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) in Japan (https://groups.oist.jp/meedu).

Position summary:

We seek for a highly motivated research assistant to join the Marine Evo-Evo-Devo laboratory of Vincent Laudet’s Unit at the ICOB’s Marine Research Station at Yilan (https://groups.oist.jp). 

Working Location:

Marine Research Station – ICOB - 23-10, Dah-Uen Rd, Jiau Shi, YLan 262 Taiwan



  1. Bachelor's or master's degree in biology and a strong passion for research, with a demonstrated sense of responsibility and be able to work independently.
  2. Strong interest in developmental and evolutionary biology preferred.
  3. Experience working with non-conventional fish model organisms, and assistance in daily laboratory animal management.
  4. Fluent in two languages (English and Chinese).

Salary: Follow AS guideline. BS degree: NT$37,240/month or above, MS degree: NT$43,624/month or above

How to Apply:

Apply by emailing your Submission Documents to: vincent.laudet [at] oist.jp

(Please replace [at] with @ before using this email address)

Submission Documents:

  • Cover letter summarising research interests, professional experience and career goals
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Names and contact information of 3 referees, one of which should be a previous employer.