
最新消息|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所



2021中研院細生所 院區開放線上活動


除了穿著制式實驗服、拿著試管猛搖或整天盯著顯微鏡看的刻板印象,你知道現實生活中的科學家在做什麼嗎? 藉著輕鬆的聊天訪談,帶你一窺中研院研究員的日常生活。有什麼好奇的問題,也歡迎在直播中留言問科學家!敬請準時鎖定細生所Facebook粉絲團!

活動時間:10/30(六) 10:00-11:00
本所粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/icobedu
院區開放網站: https://openhouse.sinica.edu.tw/openhouse_events/47
[備註1] 本場座談將以中文進行
[備註2] 院區開放日集章連結(QR Code)將放置於直播畫面中。





活動網站: https://openhouse.sinica.edu.tw/openhouse_events/66
活動時間: 10/30(六) 09:00 - 11/07(日) 16:00
活動方式: 線上影片欣賞
主講人: 陳明晟博士
[備註1] 本系列為英文影片附中文字幕
[備註2] 院區開放日集章連結(QR Code)將放置於影片畫面。



2021 Academia Sinica –ICOB Online Open House!

1.【Facebook Live Stream Seminar - Meet the Scientists!】

Other than wearing lab coats and shaking test tubes or staring at the microscope all day long, do you know what scientists do every day? Listen to our informal chat on ICOB Facebook Fanpage channel to get a glimpse of daily life for researchers at Academia Sinica.

Time: 10/30 10:00-11:00
Speaker: Dr. Hwei-Jan Hsu, Dr. Chen-Hui Chen, Dr. Yung-Che Tseng
* This lecture will be conducted in Chinese.
* Live stream seminar on ICOB Facebook Fanpage

ICOB Facebook Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/icobedu
For more information: https://openhouse.sinica.edu.tw/openhouse_events/47



2.【Youtube Online Video Presentation- What Can We Learn from Cell and Animal Models?】

This activity includes a series of short videos to introduce some of the laboratory models used in the Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology. Each video also describes one or two basic concepts in current biological research and highlights important scientific vocabulary words.
Time: 10/30 09:00 - 11/07 16:00
Speaker: Dr. Marcus Calkins
* Video series in English with Chinese subtitles
* Open House Stamps QR code will be shown in videos

For more information: https://openhouse.sinica.edu.tw/openhouse_events/66