
COUP-TFI specifies the medial entorhinal cortex identity and induces differential cell adhesion to determine the integrity of its boundary with neocortex|中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所



動物個體的發育通常進展快速,就像行進中的火車,直到抵達終點(成年的階段)才會停止。雖然在自然界中有少數的例外存在,比如帝王斑蝶,可以在過冬遷徙的時候,長時間延遲成年期的發育。複雜的脊椎動物是不是也具備這樣的能力? 目前尚未被學界證實。利用突變斑馬魚作為模型,陳振輝及其團隊的研究成果發現,經由調控單一基因的活性,可以有效延遲斑馬魚成年期的發育。使得受影響的個體長時間維持著幼魚的型態。他們將此一意外發現的斑馬魚突變株命名為「彼得潘」。此研究已於本(110) 8月刊登於國際發育生物學期刊《發育》(Development) ,並被選為當期研究焦點。

研究團隊利用基因定位分析和遺傳學的互補測試,確定突變點發生在一個特定基因「DEAD-Box Helicase 52; ddx52 (a probable ATP-dependent RNA 螺旋酶)」。此基因的活性可以即時調控 47S 核糖體核糖核酸在生物體的合成,進而影響斑馬魚的發育進程。陳振輝表示,動物發育是一個快速又複雜的過程,有很多基因參與在其中。在發育過程中,破壞任一重要基因的功能,對動物個體的影響通常是災難性、不可逆的。但是令人驚訝的是,Ddx52可以藉由一個類似” 開關” 的機制,暫停、或啟動個體的發育進程。恢復Ddx52的活性,可以使長時間維持著幼魚型態、發育停滯的斑馬魚,重新開始二度發育,最終長成大小、型態、和繁殖能力都正常的成熟個體。


此研究由中研院、科技部及美國國家衛生研究院支持,研究團隊包括曾子倫、王盈婷、曹昌玉、柯懿庭、李宜靜、許惠真、杜克大學的Dr. Ken Poss與陳振輝。研究論文標題為:The RNA helicase Ddx52 functions as a growth switch in juvenile zebrafish。


The RNA helicase Ddx52 functions as a growth switch in juvenile zebrafish

Development. 2021 Aug 1;148(15): dev199578.

Tzu-Lun Tseng, Ying-Ting Wang, Chang-Yu Tsao, Yi-Teng Ke, Yi-Ching Lee, Hwei-Jan Hsu, Kenneth D Poss, Chen-Hui Chen



Vertebrate animals usually display robust growth trajectories during juvenile stages, and reversible suspension of this growth momentum by a single genetic determinant has not been reported. Here, we report a single genetic factor that is essential for juvenile growth in zebrafish. Using a forward genetic screen, we recovered a temperature-sensitive allele, pan (after Peter Pan), that suspends whole-organism growth at juvenile stages. Remarkably, even after growth is halted for a full 8-week period, pan mutants are able to resume a robust growth trajectory after release from the restrictive temperature, eventually growing into fertile adults without apparent adverse phenotypes. Positional cloning and complementation assays revealed that pan encodes a probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase (DEAD-Box Helicase 52; ddx52) that maintains the level of 47S precursor ribosomal RNA. Furthermore, genetic silencing of ddx52 and pharmacological inhibition of bulk RNA transcription similarly suspend the growth of flies, zebrafish and mice. Our findings reveal evidence that safe, reversible pauses of juvenile growth can be mediated by targeting the activity of a single gene, and that its pausing mechanism has high evolutionary conservation.

Funding sources: Academia Sinica and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan; the National Institutes of Health (NIH), United States.